We make a gift bouquet
A gift bouquet may be needed for many events, events and celebrations. These include, for example, a wedding, a birthday, an international holiday, corporate and so on.
When choosing a bouquet, you should always be guided by the reason and style of the event, as well as the personal preferences of the person to whom your gift is intended.
All gift bouquets are individual. You are unlikely to find two identical ones. It is recommended to buy not only ready-made bouquets, but to compose together with the florist its exclusive composition. Thus, you will bring a gift of sincerity as a gift.
General rules for making gift bouquets
There are several basic rules that should be followed when choosing a gift bouquet. These include:
1. A bouquet for a date should consist of different varieties of flowers, harmoniously matched to each other. The composition can include tulips, chamomile, roses, irises and any other flowers that the girl likes;
2. To give a bouquet is necessarily necessary by colors upwards, instead of downwards - these are standard rules of etiquette;
3. In no case should you give flowers that have already begun to fade, even if it is almost imperceptible. At a minimum, this is a manifestation of disrespect for a person;
4. The number of colors in the bouquet is also very important. A person who is not very familiar should not give a large number of flowers. Colleagues and friends are usually given a bouquet of 9 or 11 colors. For a loved one, a composition of 15 colors is suitable. It is advisable to avoid the number 13 in the gift, especially if the person is prone to superstitions;
5. The color composition of the bouquet must necessarily correspond to the atmosphere of the holiday or event.
Selection of colors
Bright flowers are suitable for loved ones. For friends, acquaintances or colleagues, more restrained, soft and strict shades of petals will do. The symbol of grace and taste are pink flowers. In addition, they have a wide range of different shades. For the gift are also good bold orange and refined blue flowers.