What perennial flowers to choose
People buy their own dachas to grow vegetables and fruits there, and also to spend more time outdoors.
But recently it has become a habit to cultivate flowers to decorate and refine the cottage area. Among such plants, they are annual and perennial.
The first, in contrast to the second, must be planted every year, and perennial transplants need at least once in 2 years.
They are also unpretentious in their care and can blossom all summer, until the onset of cold weather.
Among the perennial flowers can be identified:
- sparse - these flowers grow among trees, are unpretentious in care and can grow on any type of soil. They can multiply very much, provided that they do not experience a shortage of moisture. Therefore, their distribution must be monitored;
- a narcissus often meets in country sites. There are many varieties of this flower;
- adonis - its flowering begins in early spring. The flower can grow both on a solar patch and in the shade. Transplanting adonis is extremely rare;
- hyacinth - differs non-standard appearance, that is why it is in demand among summer residents. This plant should be watered very carefully so that it does not die, and it must be planted in places protected from strong winds;
- violet. She is unpretentious in the care, all that is required is frequent watering;
- The delphinium begins to bloom in early summer, and flowering lasts 4 weeks. To plant this plant, you must choose a dry soil and a place that is protected from the wind;
- Euphorbia does not require transplantation for several years. These flowers are resistant to frost and drought. It is impossible that fluid should be trapped in the ground, otherwise the plant will die;
- Gladiolus must be planted in a well-lit area with nutritive soil;
- Yarrow blossoms very densely. He is very resistant to any bad weather.