How to choose a wedding bouquet
The first and most important rule of a wedding bouquet is that it does not merge in color with the dress. Its size also matters: if the dress is three-dimensional, let it be the central part of the image - choose your restrained bouquet.
What will be the flowers - depends on the time of the year. Each weather corresponds to its mood, so that the bouquet was not present "for a tick", but harmoniously fit into the situation, let's talk about each season separately:
- Spring. The most successful variant of a spring bouquet looks gently. Bright to it be to nothing, pastel colors like pink, cream, lilac, blue and light green color will look much better. As for the flowers themselves, they can be any, but the most urgent option for March is, of course, a bouquet of snowdrops.
- Summer. Summer bouquet of a bride can be anything! Especially cheerfully look beautifully decorated small field flowers in large numbers, if the wedding in June or July, or a bouquet of asters or sunflowers, if it is in August.
- Autumn. Autumn colors are saturated, concentrating in themselves all the energy of the outgoing summer. Bright yellow, orange and red look especially impressive! If you also decorate the bouquet with branches of bright greenery or mountain ash, the bouquet will look really excellent.
- Winter. Flowers for the winter period are often roses. To emphasize the features of the season, you can decorate it with small knobs or use a wrapper with a picture of snowflakes.
On which option would you not choose, with a competent combination of colors with the image of the bride, he will look amazing and make happy the girl who will catch him at the wedding contest!