Bridal bouquet in a marine style
Marine style of the bouquet is relevant not only for the summer, as many people think. If a girl marries a sailor or on a wedding day, a walk along the coast with a photo session or video shooting is planned, the bouquet in the sea style will look very interesting and spectacular.
What kind of flowers to choose
Marine coloring is a combination of white and blue or blue. Blue flowers are, of course, a great rarity, so paint white flowers with special paint in the department of floristry is much easier. As for the type of flowers, everything depends on your desire. A successful spring version can be a bouquet of tulips, summer - from field flowers of the right colors, autumn - from asters, and winter - from roses.
Making a bouquet
The way to design a bouquet in this case is more important than the flowers themselves. You can use a striped "marine" paper wrapper for flowers or decorate a bouquet with a small golden anchor, life ring or helm - it will look very successful. Another way to surprise everyone is not to wrap flowers with foil or paper, but to tie them up with a rough rope using a large sea knot. You can do even easier - to tie a bouquet with a wide bright blue or striped satin ribbon.
The combination of a bouquet with a hairdress and a dress
A bouquet for a wedding in a marine style is a beautiful addition, so to speak, the finishing touch, but not the central detail of the image of the bride! A bouquet should not be more spectacular than a hairstyle. If the girl's hair is carefully assembled or dissolved, the miniature bouquet in not too bright design will be exactly what you need. As for the wedding dress, then here just need a contrast. If his skirt is voluminous, a modest bouquet will balance the image, and vice versa.