How to prolong the life of cut roses
Holding a beautiful bouquet of roses, gifted by an expensive man, I want to keep flowers as long as possible. If you know the rules of care for cut flowers and do everything on time, roses for a long time will retain their external appeal.
The first thing to do is to put the stems of flowers in the water and make an oblique cut with a knife. Its blade must be sharp, the movement quick, and water is needed so that during the cut the air does not clog the breathing vessels of the stems.
Tap water shortens the life of cut flowers, because it contains chlorine. Boiled water is also not the best solution, because it lost its useful properties at the moment of boiling. The best thing you can do is pour water from the tap into a container with a wide open top like a saucepan or a three-liter can and leave for about an hour. During this time, the content of chlorine in the water will decrease, and it will become safe for your roses.
Simple water is good, but you can do even wiser by preparing a special solution: in one liter of boiled water dilute 4 teaspoons of sugar and 120 mg of citric acid. It is not always necessary to prepare the composition yourself. In any flower shop, you can buy a special preservative designed for these purposes. Recommendations for use can be found in the instructions.
Regardless of the composition, water is changed every day. The vase needs not just to rinse, but to clean with a sponge to remove the formed plaque. Trim the stems before each change of water.
Do not forget that roses like to "swim". After taking cool water in the tub, leave it for an hour, so that the bleach has time to fade, and then dip the roses into it. If this is not possible, sprinkle them regularly from the spray gun.
To keep the bouquet as long as possible, do not put roses near heating devices and on cold windowsills.