Wedding bouquet of chamomiles
Camomiles look touching and tender, so they perfectly match with the image of a young girl in a light wedding dress, which for the first time is getting married. Also, daisies are appropriate for weddings in an ethnic style. For repeated marriages of adult brides the more relevant are other types of flowers, especially in the case of a dark or bright outfit.
What should be a bouquet
To add a bouquet of brightness, you need to decorate it correctly. The best option is green twigs of greenery or other field flowers like cornflowers or bells. In this case, the main thing is the color contrast, so that the bouquet looks more spectacular and festive. It is also important to design the flower arrangement. If it is tulle or other material like paper or foil, it also has to contrast with the daisies in color, in order to avoid the undesirable effect of a "blurred spot" on memorable photos and video. Delicate decor elements like pearl beads and satin ribbons are welcome.
Combination of the bouquet with the image of the bride
Usually a magnificent dress is usually combined with miniature bouquets, then only if it's not about chamomiles. Against the backdrop of voluminous forms of skirts and catchy veils, these flowers can be lost, so the bouquet should be larger.
To a girl with a bouquet of daisies in her hand did not look too easy, you need to create a vivid image for her. This can be a catchy make-up, a voluminous haircut or neatly assembled hair combined with a brilliant diadem. There are many options and each of them is relevant for their type of appearance and style of celebration.
An excellent solution can be a small yellow element in the bride's attire, for example, costume jewelery or any accessory with beads of this color for the harmony of the image.